homosexuality. it was a sin in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah because it was the embodiment of pure lust. in that city, there was no love, there was no reproduction, it was simply selfish pleasure however they could get it. however, these sins of the flesh were equally heinous between men and women. the sin lay, not in who the sex was with, but in its loveless and lascivious nature. however, from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (along with some other quotes, i know, but largely this) people have deduced that all homosexual relations are sinful. I would argue, however, that homosexuality is not a sin so much as meaningless sex is a sin. if sex is not just pleasure, but the embodiment of it's better term, making love, than whether between a man and a woman or two of the same gender, it is not sin. and about the argument that homosexual sex is pointless as it doesn't create a child, I would like to argue that most heterosexual sex it's for the purpose of making a baby, but rather to enhance the bond between you and your partner and the express the love you feel for them. this is true also for homosexual couples, and is just as important. also, while they cannot physically create a baby, many homosexual couples adopt children, so the bond which love making helps to nurture is just as important as with straight couples.
i know several people who say that having the feelings of homosexuality is not a sin, but acting on them is. I say that feeling love is never a sin, and sex is only sinful if it is done without love, and then it is sinful no matter who you do it with.
i know several people who say that having the feelings of homosexuality is not a sin, but acting on them is. I say that feeling love is never a sin, and sex is only sinful if it is done without love, and then it is sinful no matter who you do it with.
Actually some Scripture pedants that want to ignore the homophobia in the OT claim that the sin that Sodom/Gomorrah were destroyed for was refusing hospitality... (to the angels-in-disguise)
But that seems like BS, sexual immorality is much... sexier.
Have you read the text itself? It's pretty hilarious (and goes along with some comment you (I think you) made to do with how Scripture stories make lousy "stories" -- they just don't make sense sometimes.)
the text (you can choose your favorite translation, too)
the Lego version (same text)
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